This year has been shit. There’s no doubting that. Australia started burning, then the world got sick, and then California started burning and the world’s still sick. Some say to start a new business, timing is everything. If that’s true, then this is a real bad omen for getting started now. We’ll continue with blind, calculated optimism. That sentence doesn’t make sense, you say? Well neither does 2020 so get over it.
We’re working on our new product offering, Stiff Upper Lip. It’s a Canadian Whisky, but it’s different than what you’re used to tasting coming out of Ontario. It’s our northern take on a southern whisky the world has grown fond of. We’ll let your taste-buds be the really judgy part of your mouth instead of your words, but we hope you like it. We know a lot of hard work went into blending it, and some even harder work went into sampling it. It’ll get you drunk, but you’ll be delighted as you sip away.
Quick disclaimer, we don’t condone drinking in excess. We’re confident that as consenting adults, you know your limits and conduct yourselves accordingly. So bubble up, have some laughs and sip, shoot or mix this new Canadian Whisky. Stiff Upper Lip, our sweet and spicy and all things nicey.
The Old Sons