Happy-ish New Year

We had the holidays. They came and went and we missed everyone more for it. As we hunkered down in our household bubbles, we missed that cheery chin-chin of families clinking glasses and all that love in the air. We hear headlines of change afoot, and we do feel hopeful of better times to come. For example, our LCBO tasting date is upon us, and we’re hoping that they approve our delicious Stiff Upper Lip. After that, it’s fortune and glory. We’re not expecting much…go big or go home, right? And since we’re already home, fug it. 

It’s unnerving having so much potential riding on one decision, but that’s our world right now. We have so many ideas to make our Canadian whisky experience one to be desired by peers and patrons alike. We want to get to work, and we’re ready to. So here’s to a big month, a big year and dreaming that big dream. Fist bumps and masked smiles for now, high fives and hugs to follow later.

Wavings to you,

The Old Sons

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