Little wins are worth celebrating. And Celebrating is worth sharing, so here we go!
We've sold our first 100 bottles of Stiff Upper Lip! We all deserve a round of high fives, fist bumps and some handsy hugs! Our first order sold out in less than 24 hours. Our second order, which was 3x the size sold out in 4 days. Now we're already 25% sold of our third order which is another 2x the size as the last one! We anticipate some slow-down, but we'll stay on our honeymoon for now. You can still buy some online at LCBO.
Big shout out to our Founders Club members who are keeping a nice buzz going with us. We wouldn't be here without y'all.
Plenty more to come as we dip into the summer. Warmer weather, happier spirits, and plenty of opportunities to enjoy a glass or two of Canadian Whisky on these hot steamy nights.
The Old Sons