Mission: Critical

Now that the initial buzz of selling something for the first time has "worn" off, it's important that we hark back to our roots. Yes, just like herald angels singing. We have 3 guiding principles at Old Son's Distillery: Local Grain, Dedicated Craftsmanship, Sustainable Production.

Our overall mission is to create an environmentally sustainable distillery, not because it's the right thing to do...well no, that's exactly why. It's absolutely the right thing to do, and it's not easy. We scrutinize all of our components, from the glass bottles to the printed inks to the fabric of our apparel. It's not all eco-friendly...yet. But it's something we always consider. And yes, it's expensive. And no, we don't make any money from it...yet.

When asked what we want our distillery to be, the short answer is "a walk in the park". It's a conservation area with distillery on it. We want people to pull up to the driveway and wonder, very much a la Ian Malcolm, "What do they got in here? King Kong?" We want to instil that sense of wonder, that sense of mystery, that sense of...danger. *Gasp!*

So enjoy your life responsibly. Enjoy some Stiff Upper Lip responsibly. Take care of our environment responsibly. It would be irresponsible otherwise.


The Old Sons

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