Ain't those words to live by! It's been a few months. I wish I could say we took the summer off to enjoy some R and R, but we fell off the calendar a bit. And nothing like a stern warning from the LCBO to kick your ass into panic mode real quick...
Normally we try to work in some current events to twirl our stories around, but my goodness, we won't go there. Not here anyway. But we feel a lot of feelings right now. We just don't know how to process them. We're certainly not drowning them out either. But we feel.
Truth is we've been hellbent on fundraising for the better part of a year and we finally passed the stress test. Now it's time for the real stress to kick in. Those interest rates are no joke. No wonder Canada is showing a decrease in entrpreneurship lately, as reported by The Globe and Mail. No one can even afford to risk not affording things until things get more affordable again. Or something like that. Our day of jubilee is marred by reality. Ho hum.
At any rate. We're still here, we're pushing through a lot of sh*t and I really hope we're learning and having fun while we do it. Right now it's a lot of give. Mostly give, less take. But it'll come. Perseverance amiright?
The Old Sons